Monday, January 25, 2010

Love of mediocrity....saab ganda hai par chalta hai

India country of medicors....”saab ganda hai par chalta hai” in our country taking no stand is the best stand leading to the reason y mediocrity is thriving....or why there is high impetus of mediocrity. The patrons or the saints of mediocrity believe nothing will happen to them just sit back...relax....and enjoy....they got a typical “chalta hai attitude” i wish if movie like rang de basanti could have left some impact on the Indian youth.... goofing up and then appolizing ... himalyans melting up by 2035....or some politician commenting on some other(Jinnah and all)....or some agitation like those of Telangana....2 days fighting and then the agitators themselves pull back.....anyways who cares saab chalta the end it is the public who will bear the cost...who misses their exams,trains, office and life.....but chalta hai.....

Why should i come forward when there are billions in this country.....let some body else comein and do it for me...the day is not far when ppl will ask somebody else to come and clean his/her A**....saab chalta hai na...

One can see a Pakistani army chief in govt of India advertisement prmoting child and women welfare and then the govt defending itself from taking some stand I am not saying the retired Air Force chief is in the same league He must be an honourable and accomplished officer, but given the testy relationship between the two nations, using this was worse. And what about the embarrassment it caused our Air Force, along with the message it sent out to them. I am not even saying the common man was embarrassed by this boo boo..... what the common man feels is irrelevant and unimportant...saab chalta hai....who cares wat happen in this country whether sm1 dyeing or living.

Forget about these mistakes who even remembers the 26/11 how many ppl died for a weak or 2 every thing goes aggressively after that who cares....i m not a part of it

This is just not a blog but a frustration 2ward some ppl or the lazy bugs around me who wait till their A** get banged by someone or they will ask somebody else to come forward for them so that they can sit behind and relax....all earlier part of goofing up or appolizing was just a narration to create a stage for wat happen in our class a few days back....

Evrybdy want a nice and handsome package have their big dreams in small brain but when it come to taking initiative then the same question why me when there are another 43 in the class....since those guys are also facing the same problem anyone will stand and speak....why should I invite the trouble for myself.....

There were many who congratulated me for my stand which i took in front dean and faculty but how many of them were ready to take a stand...... evrybdy seems to be happy all of a sudden as they have got a saviour and they need not come in if they could see the dollars and placements coming in.....and then those same ppl latter on says that i should not have spoken to dean like that or he will fail me or can do even only ques is was that i speaking for my own-self or for the whole class.....

Request to all plz take a stand not for one but for whole class.....”best of luck” evry1


  1. Nice Piece Amit!
    "You almost stole my thoughts"
    Ohhh Sorry! Did I say stole. I hope this does not lead to another controversy. He he he...
    I think that people come out of their shells only when they are exhausted of seeing what is happening. Be it you or anyone else. It is only a matter of time. And with respect to our class, I do not think you should be even worried or bounded by such a small stage. 4 months and then there is a much bigger stage and I am sure if you are still blogging in the same way then, it would be great to read.

  2. Amit, i appreciate for this piece.
    but i also like to mention that what happens in the class is not the same in real life.
    you are indeed learning to become bold to face real challenges through some petty issues facing from class.

    I say you not to give up easily in this batch of 44, i will really appreciate if you take the stand on behalf of more than thousands of people.

    the best quality you have is the ability to initiate things, “JUST DO IT” kind of attitude.
    There are many people who keep on crippling on things but when it comes to implementation part, they hide their faces, you are not one among them.
    I tell you to keep faith and do whatever you find doing it, but don’t get frustrated because you liked to do it and if someone criticizes you, it shouldn’t bother you.

    Here is something for you.

    After a while you learn
    the subtle difference between
    holding a hand and chaining a soul,
    and you learn that
    love doesn't mean leaning
    and company doesn't mean security,
    and you begin to learn
    that kisses aren't contracts
    and presents aren't promises,
    and you begin to accept your defeats
    with your head up
    and your eyes ahead,
    with the grace of a woman,
    not the grief of a child,
    and you learn to build all of your roads
    on today because tomorrow's ground
    is too uncertain for plans,
    and futures have a way of
    falling down in mid-flight.

    After a while you learn that
    even sunshine burns
    if you get too much.
    So you plant your own garden
    and decorate your own soul,
    instead of waiting for someone
    to bring you flowers.

    And you learn that
    you really can endure...
    That you really do have worth.

    And you learn and you learn...
    With every goodbye you learn.

    © by Veronica A. Shoffstall
